Human response can be broken down into four basic emotions: happy, sad, afraid/surprised, and angry disgusted. Fractl’s research is used to emphasize the importance of understanding the science of emotion in marketing.
Category: Press
Yes, You Can Create Viral Content. Here’s How
Kelsey Libert, VP of Marketing, explains the importance of emotions in viral content and provides key tips to follow when outlining your next content marketing strategy.
10 Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing
Looking for ways to elevate your content marketing efforts? Neil Patel compiled a top 10 list for content marketers that featured Fractl’s research on which emotions help make a campaign go viral.
How Fractl Applies Data Science to Social Sharing
Truly effective content should elicit an emotional response in order to earn shares. Emotional responses are also ignited by how your content is covered, and Fractl revealed what key emotions publishers are tapping into in order to increase shares.